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Different Types Of Fire Prevention, Protection for Flammable Gas & Liquid Plats


General Fire Prevention Measures: 
1. To maintain firefighting equipment in good working condition at all times.

2. Layout fire order & fire operation plan.

3. Conduct reading program for the people of the building for use of firefighting equipment (fixed & portable hand held).

4. Keep proper contact with city fire brigade.

5. To prevent fire in the building, good housekeeping shall be maintain inside & outside of the building.

6. Fire fighting drills shall be conducted for the people of the building as per the fire order & fire operational plan.

1. Never drain water from a hydrocarbon tank in the absence of a responsible tank.

2. Never drain hydrocarbon into an open water sewer. It should always be drained into a closed oily water sewer.

3. Never by pass on alarm or trip system in an operating plant.

4. Any oil gas leakage or spillage from a tank vessel, or pipe flame joint should be attended to immediately or at the earliest.

5. All hydrocarbons detectors, explosion meter etc. should be calibrated battery tested & changed regularly

6. All hydrocarbon vapor or gases from safety relief valve should be connected to flame header or to a “SAFE LOCATION”.

7. Always use non-sparking tools for maintenance work in hydrocarbon areas.

8. Operator should always stand on rubber not while testing on electrical motor junction box.

9. Welder should be heat shield, safety goggles overall rubber soled, safety shoes, hand gloves.

10. Rotary equipment should have guard.

11. Ample & suitable ventilation should be provided to remove the gases & prevent them from forming a flammable or explosive mixture with air.

12. Many gases & vapors used in industry are heavier than air & ventilation should, therefore in the cause be provided at floor level.

13. Possible source of ignition should be kept away from the gas chambers & cylinder which may be leaking.

14. Relief panels should be provided in walls & roofs to limit damage due to explosion, they may be so constructed as to be easily broken by explosive & thus relieve the pressure on the structure or building itself.

15. Gas containers should be stored in under heated well ventilated place, well away from the main building.

16. They should not be stored below ground level or where gas which is heavier than air could drift through drains etc, it might accumulate & present a serious hazard.

17. Other safety requirement as follows:-

  • Portable hydrocarbon detectors.
  • Portable explosive meter.
  • Portable fuel gas analyzers.
  • Communication facilities such as walky-talkies, telephones & public address system.


Housekeeping means an orderly & efficient arrangement of material operation, tools equipment, supplies storage & facilities in general housekeeping starts with the preparation of proper plans. Good housekeeping plays an important part in safety of the plant & must become every body’s business.

Good housekeeping increases the efficiency of the plant good housekeeping helps to save a lot of time & cost if tools & parts are not to be searched out

As an aid fire control good housekeeping schedule should include following procedure.

i) Regular inspection of first aid, fire protection equipment & keeping it in working order.

ii) Location of the firefighting equipment should be easily noticed & accessible.

iii) Necessary spanner, wrenches, hydrant nozzles, etc should be kept in readiness near a fire hydrant.

iv) Fire pump kept in starting condition.

The effect of good housekeeping on member moral is it increases their efficiency & safety consciousness.

Good Housekeeping:-

Housekeeping is not just cleanliness. It includes keeping works area neat and orderly; maintaining halls and floors free of slip and trip hazards; and removing of waste materials and other fire hazards from work area.

To limit the risk of fires, employees shall take the following precautions:

  • Minimize the storage of combustible materials.
  • Make sure that doors, hallways, stairs, and other exit routes are kept free of obstructions.
  • Dispose of combustible waste in covered, airtight, metal containers.
  • Use and store flammable materials in well-ventilated areas away from ignition sources.
  • Use only nonflammable cleaning products.
  • Keep incompatible (i.e., chemically reactive) substances away from each other.
  • Perform “hot work” (i.e., welding or working with an open flame or other ignition sources) in controlled and well-ventilated areas.
  • Keep equipment in good working order (i.e., inspect electrical wiring and appliances regularly and keep motors and machine tools free of dust and grease.
  • Ensure that heating units are safeguarded.
  • Report all gas leaks immediately. Responsible Person shall ensure that all gas leaks are repaired immediately upon notification.
  • Repair and clean up flammable liquid leaks immediately.
  • Keep work areas free of dust, lint, sawdust, scraps, and similar material.
  • Do not rely on extension cords if wiring improvements are needed, and take care not to overload circuits with multiple pieces of equipment.
  • Ensure that required hot work permits are obtained.
  • Turn off electrical equipment when not in use.



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