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  • Section 1 – Identification:-

    Product: Propane (odorized)

    Chemical Family: Aliphatic  Hydrocarbon,  Alkane Series Synonyms: Dimethyl Methane, LP-Gas, Liquid Petroleum Gas, LPG

  • Section 2 – Hazardous Chemical Components:-

    Component: Propane Composition and Percentage of Each (If Applicable)

    Chemical Formula: C3H8

    Ingredient Name and exposure Limits/health Hazards

    • Propane – 100% simple asphyxian
    • Ethane – 7% simple asphyxian
    • Iso-Butane – 5% No Data
    • Propylene – 5% simple asphyxian
    • N- Butane – 1%

    Ethyl Mercaptan – 50ppm 0.5ppm

  • Section 3 – Physical Data:-

    • Boiling Point: – 45°F Molecular Weight: 44
    • Appearance: Colorless gas or liquid Odor: Odorized propane contains a foul
    • Vapor Pressure:    188    psi    @100°F   smelling    warning   agent (ethylmercaptan).
    • Specific Gravity: .504 @ 60°F Unodorized propane is odorless (natural
    • Solubility (H20): <0.1% state)

    Evaporation Rate: Gas at normal ambient conditions

  • Section 4 – Fire Fighting & Explosive Data:-

    • Freezing point; – 305°F
    • Flash Point: – 156°F
    • Auto Ignition: 842°F
    • Lower Explosive Limit (%): 3
    • Upper Explosive Limit (%) 5
    • Extinguishing Media
    • Water spray, Dry chemical, CO2, or Halon

      Special Fire Fighting Instructions
      This product presents an extreme fire hazard. Liquid quickly evaporates, even at low temperatures, and forms vapor (fumes) which can catch fire and burn with explosive violence
      a) Evacuate the area
      b) Stay upwind of vapors. Stop flow of gas. Use water to keep fire exposed containers and piping cool. Use water spray to disperse un-ignited gas. Invisible vapor spreads easily and can be set on fire by many sources such as pilot lights, welding equipment, and electrical motors or switches. If ignition has occurred and no water is available, tank or piping may overheat and fail
      c) Approach containers from sides, not from ends
      d) Do not enter enclosed or confined fire space without proper protective equipment
      e) This may include self-contained breathing apparatus   to protect against hazardous effects of normal products of combustion or oxygen deficiency
      f) Petroleum gases are heavier than air and  travel  along  the ground or into drains to possible distant  ignition sources and may cause an explosive flashback
  • Section 5 – Exposure Effects and First Aid

    • INHALATION Route of Exposure – Inhalation
      Depending on the concentration of gas and duration of exposure, small concentrations may produce rapid breathing and headaches. Moderate concentrations may produce mild intoxication, drowsiness, dizziness, visual  disturbances,  muscular  weakness, and lack of coordination. High concentrations produce intoxication followed by loss of consciousness, asphyxiation, and death
    • First Aid – Inhalation:
      Immediately move personnel to an area of fresh air. For respiratory distress, give air, oxygen or administer CPR if necessary.  Obtain medical attention if breathing difficulties continue. SKIN Route of Exposure – Skin In its gas form, this material is non-irritating and is not expected to be absorbed through the skin; but direct contact with the liquefied/pressurized gas and frost particles can cause freeze burns (similar to that of frost bite).

    • First Aid – Skin:
      Frozen tissue should be flooded or soaked with warm water. DO NOT USE HOT WATER! Cryogenic burns, which result in blistering or deeper tissue freezing, should be promptly seen by a physician

    • EYES Route of Exposure -Eyes:
      As a gas, this material is non-irritating; but direct contact  with liquefied /pressurized gas or frost particles may produce severe and possibly permanent eye damage from freeze burns

    • First Aid – Eyes:
      Vapors are not expected to present an eye irritation hazard. If contacted by liquid/solid, immediately flush eye(s) gently with warm water for at least 15 minutes. Seek medical attention if pain or redness persists.

    • INGESTION Route of exposure – Ingestion:
      Solid, liquefied, and pressurized forms of this gas can cause freeze burns.

    • First Aide – Ingestion:
      Induce vomiting with warm water (one quart), only if patient is conscious. Immediately obtain medical attention.

  • Section 6 –Reactivity & Polymerization

    Stability: Stable

    May react with strong oxidizing agents, such as, chlorates, nitrates, peroxides, etc. Combustion may produce carbon monoxide and other harmful substances.

    Hazardous Polymerization: Not Expected

  • Section 7 – Spill, Leak & Disposal Procedures

    • Steps to be taken in the event of spills, leaks, or release

      Eliminate all potential sources of ignition in vicinity of spill or released vapor. Evacuate the area immediately. Persons entering the contaminated area to correct the problem or to determine whether it is safe to resume normal activities must comply with all instructions in the Protective Measures & Equipment section. Ventilate enclosed areas to prevent formation of flammable or oxygen-deficient atmosphere. Water spray may be used to  reduce  vapors.  Closed  systems  form white frost at the point of leak. Liquid spills  will  vaporize forming a cold, dense vapor cloud that does not readily disperse.

      Avoid vapor cloud even with proper respiratory equipment. If tanks are involved in a fire, direct all nonessential personnel to an area upwind at least ½ mile in all directions. Stop source of release with no sparking tools  before  putting  out  any  fire. Tanks involved in fire should be kept cool by keeping a steady flow of water on them.

    • Waste disposal method.
      Releases are expected to cause only localized non-persistent environmental damage. Waste mixtures containing these gases should not be allowed to enter  drains  or  sewers where there  is a danger of the vapors becoming ignited. When it becomes necessary to dispose of these gases, it is preferable to do so as a vapor. Unused product may be used as an auxiliary fuel or disposed by burning in properly designed flare or incinerator. Venting of gas to the atmosphere should be avoided. Defective, empty, or partially used portable containers should be returned to the supplier with appropriate tags

  • Section 8 – Special Protective Measures & Equipment

    • Ventilation:
      Local exhaust and general room ventilation may both be essential in work areas to prevent accumulation of explosive mixtures. If mechanical ventilation is used, electrical equipment must meet National Electrical Code requirements

    • Eye Protection:
      Use chemical-type goggles and face shields when handling liquefied gases. Safety glasses and/or face shields are recommended when handling high-pressure cylinders and piping systems and whenever vapors are discharged

    • Skin Protection:
      Prevent potential skin contact with cold liquid/solid/vapors. Use insulated, impervious plastic or neoprene-coated canvas gloves and protective gear to protect hands and other skin areas

    • Respiratory Protection:

      For excessive gas concentrations, use only NIOSH/NSHA- approved self-contained breathing apparatus.

    • Work/Hygienic Practices:

      Emergency eye wash fountains and safety showers for first aid treatment of potential freeze burns should be available in the vicinity of any significant exposure from compressed gas release. Personnel should not enter areas where the atmosphere is below 19.5 volume percent oxygen without special procedures/equipment. Respirator use should comply with OSHA 29 CR 1910.134 or equivalent

  • Section 9 – Special Precautions – Storage & Handling

    Store and use cylinders and  tanks  in  well-ventilated  areas,  away from heat and sources of ignition. No smoking near storage or use. Follow standard procedures for handling cylinders, tanks, loading/unloading



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